How to submit a bio

Hi Fellow Classmates:
Wow!  The last 50 years have just flown by. So what the heck have you been up to?
Bet every one of you has an interesting story to tell. Had an interesting job or two?  Served in the military or fought in Vietnam?  Picked any winning lottery numbers?  Caught that big fish?  Scaled any mountains?  Traveled to any interesting places? Have the world’s most adorable grandchildren?  We’d love to hear all about it.
In an effort to catch up, the CHS class of ’64 will be posting classmates' updates and current photos on this site. We’ll add your yearbook photo just in case we have trouble recognizing the new you.  If you’ll send a summary of your life so far, we’ll make sure it gets to our webmaster for posting. 
Take a look at what’s been posted so far by clicking on the "Classmate Bios" tab above, and then send your information to Rosalie Jeans Karp so we can add your own bio to the mix.
Here’s all you need to do:
1.    Write a 150-250 word summary.  Tell us about your post high school education, military experience, employment, family, travels, hobbies, and anything else that makes you such an interesting person.
2.    Email the summary as an attachment as a pdf or .doc file to Rosalie Joens Karp at If you prefer, just mail a copy to Rosalie at 707 NE Couch Street, Portland OR 97232.
3.    Attach a current photo. We’ve got your yearbook photo so don’t worry about that one.
4.    Don’t worry about the format.  We’ll reformat as necessary for consistency on the website.
5.    Watch for your bio to be posted on the website.
6.    Questions:  Call Rosalie at (503) 245-4683.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the reunion on August 9th.