After graduating from CHS, I enrolled at Lewis & Clark
College and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1968. My real
passion has always been music. I played drums in numerous bands in Portland
throughout my high school and college years. A highlight was the summer of
1967, I played with a group called “Four in the Morning” and we spent six weeks
entertaining troops on a USO tour in Vietnam, Thailand and Hawaii.
separation from the Army in 1971, I embarked on a professional musical career,
playing six nights a week, 45 weeks a year in New Orleans, Reno, San Francisco,
and Los Angeles. I got married in 1974 and came to the realization that I had
to get a real job, so I sold my drums and started a management career in
transportation that took my wife and me from LA to Boise in 1981, Denver in
1983, and Pittsburgh, where we now call home, in 1990. In January of 2009 I
retired from FedEx with good health, an intact sense of humor and financial
rekindled my musical interests since retiring and have been playing drums in
rock and jazz bands in Pittsburgh which has an active local music scene.
I sincerely
hope my classmates are all well and happy and are lovin’ life as I do.
I went into the military July 1964. The draft was on and all my friends were
taken. I decided I wanted all special training I could get if I was
going to Viet Nam. I went to jump
school, artillery forward observer school, West Point preparatory school,
Rangers and Raiders training at Fort Bragg, N.C., I was attached to the 82nd
Airborne Division, as a Ranger/Forward Observer trained with the 7th
Special Forces. I deployed by parachute into the Dominican Republic with a small
team into Santo Domingo, to find the rebels and Russian weapons and neutralize
them. I ended up staying one year.

One year at Reed College before the government refused to pay tuition since Reed College was protesting and refusing to accept that I served in Viet Nam. Three years Lewis & Clark College getting a B.S. in Chemistry. 10 years graduate school, including Oregon Graduate Institute in environmental Chemistry, and 3 years at OHSU in environmental toxicology. Worked in forensic toxicology for two years. Worked in steel industry, aluminum industry, before going into environmental consulting. I was recruited into government where I worked for Federal EPA developing State environmental cleanup programs.
Then I went to Japan to work for Fujitsu Limited as a Corporate Environmental Manager developing sustainable environmental practices at all of their plants worldwide. I married in 1968 while going to college, had two children, both have graduated from college. That marriage lasted 10 years, we were both too young, and I had undiagnosed PTSD and neurological damage that made life very difficult for me and my family at the time. I remarried in 1992, to Nichola Zaklan a Serbian, and professional writer who graduated from Brown University and Missouri writer’s graduate school. We have a 15 year daughter attending the Annie Wright School in Tacoma, WA. In 2002 I started my own environmental and management consulting firm.

Liz Reynolds Thomas
Oh, our CHS64 Reunion is going to be so much
fun. I am signed up and paid up already. So keep my name tag and goodie-bag!
I will come to Portland after things calm down here. Perhaps I can have
coffee with several folks and
learn what is happening with Portland
politics - I have thought of moving to Portland after all these years. In any
event, I will visit with my Dad when I am there - the Doc was released from the
Rehab Center recently now that he
is mending from a fractured vertebrae in his
neck. Life is Large...at times.
4-8 is Doctor-Mother mode. And recently my
dearest friend's husband unexpectedly passed. The "celebration
of life" memorial service is on Sat. August 9 and I will be right there for my
friend and her family! They are highly respected and loved by the Seattle
community, and I expect this will be an overwhelming day for everyone.
For whatever reason - the stars are not aligned
this time around - I am so disappointed that I cannot be there with
YOU! I will e-send some info to Terry B for the 1964 Class "where are
they now" updates. If there is a slim possibility I can squeeze some time from the
Saturday memorial activities to hop a plane to Portland and rent a car - you
just might see me! I don't like to make promises I can't keep, but I do
believe ANYTHING is possible.
Meanwhile, I send you love and light, as we
all must pool our energy to heal
ourselves and the world.

Two very important events have taken place on November 22nd! The first being my birth on Nov. 22nd ,1945 and the second being the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963! (my 18th birthday) I will never forget that day as Dave Deering, John Fyre, Bob Reed and myself headed to the old Oregonian building and got some of the first newspapers to come off the press! I still have them in their entirety!
I will try and keep this short and sweet however I must share an awesome story regarding my wonderful parents! They first met at a U.S.O. dance in Seattle! My dad was on leave from the U.S. Navy and my mother was working as "Rosie the Riveter" for Boeing! They were both 18 years old! Within 2 weeks they decided to wed! They went to a justice of the peace in down town Seattle to get married only to find they needed a witness! My mother was a little fireball and was not happy! They left the building and pondered their next step when my mom spotted another couple at the other end of the block! She proceeded toward them and asked what they were doing! They replied they were trying to get married but needed a witness! Yup, that's right, they stood up for my parents and my parents stood up for them and the 2 couples became life long friends! Surprisingly I was born 9 months later!
Okay, on with a short history of my life! I have been gifted with 3 awesome kids and 1 grandchild! I worked in the commercial printing business for 37 years for Graphic Arts Center! My job afforded me the opportunity to travel quite extensively throughout the U.S., Europe and China! In the year of 9/11, 2001 I flew a total of 286,000 miles! It really got old!
Okay, on with a short history of my life! I have been gifted with 3 awesome kids and 1 grandchild! I worked in the commercial printing business for 37 years for Graphic Arts Center! My job afforded me the opportunity to travel quite extensively throughout the U.S., Europe and China! In the year of 9/11, 2001 I flew a total of 286,000 miles! It really got old!
I could babble on forever but won't as I've truly had a fun filled life! Aside from being 20#s over weight life is good! I'm pretty darned healthy, been walking 3 miles each morning and WILL lose that excess tonage! I'm currently engaged to a neat lady (Micki) who'm I hope those present at our upcoming reunion get to meet! For now, that's about all I got! Over & Out!