Corrie Banasky Grudin
After going to University of Oregon I moved to
southern California. I eventually met my Prince Charming, Shelley Grudin,
and we’ve been married for 45 years. We have two handsome sons-one lives
in Eugene and one in Manhattan. No grandchildren. I worked part
time while raising our sons: I was a model and a fashion show co-ordinator and commentator. Eventually I got into professional
organizing. Give me a messy garage and I’m in heaven helping someone purge and organize. We retired to Bend, Oregon
in 2000 and we’ve been so happy here. We’re in a wonderful golf community
with great friends from many walks of life. We have golf, skiing and the
great outdoors.
After having escaped
Cleveland – and Oregon – I attended UC Berkeley with the notion of becoming an
astronomer. However, feeling a little cramped in such a limited discipline, I
migrated to philosophy of science. A philosopher? So I went on to University of
London, did five years of grad work toward a PhD that I never finished in
history and philosophy of science.
Met an Aussie lady in London, got married and generated two marvelous children. Daughter Caitlin is now Global Manager of Social Innovation (?) for eBay and just moved to London. Son Gavin is 'recovering' from Hollywood and the film industry. He had a part in the vampire movie – Twilight. ![]() I have been entertaining myself running a Public Understanding of Science program in Portland – large audiences for Carl Sagan, Jane Goodall, Stephen Hawking – for twenty plus years. When you get hooked on the philosophy gig it is difficult to let go. So I have been continuing to work on the topic of my PhD thesis – started in 1969. ‘God willing and the creek don’t rise’ some of my adventures will be published this year in a book entitled: Give Space My Love (a quote from Hawking). Anyone interested in a little entertainment – showing just how far out I have trekked, check out my latest contribution to YouTube: ![]()
Steve Coxen
I graduated from Portland State in 1968 with a degree
in Business-Accounting. I married Sandra Alden (CHS ’65) the same year
and my son Trevor was born in 1969.
I started my career in public accounting and passed
CPA requirements in 1970. Sandy and I got into real estate by buying a tri-plex
in Portland’s west hills. Dealing with tenants and a 1911 building tested my
maintenance skills and the limits of my patience. Sandy and I divorced in
1973. I sold the tri-plex and moved to Eastmoreland with Trevor in 1974.
In the mid-70’s I thought I wanted to be an
attorney. I went to Northwestern law school at night for 2+ years. It
took me that long to realize I don’t have the personality to be an attorney so
I bailed. I felt much better getting my MBA at UO nearly 20 years later.
Trevor and I lived in Eastmoreland while Trevor went
to Duniway and Cleveland. He graduated in 1987. I had taken up skiing and
sailing so I felt compelled to buy a 30’ sailboat and move to a condo on Hayden
Island in 1991. After 10 years and hundreds of trips up and down the Columbia I
sold the boat and bought a bigger one (36’), which I keep in Anacortes. I
never get bored when I’m sailing in the San Juan, Gulf Islands and Sunshine
Coast of BC.
I left public accounting in 1979 to count beans for a
manufacturing company. I moved up to general manager and in 1997 we sold
the company. I went into consulting for CPA firms. My last real job was
CFO for Big Brothers, Big Sisters in Portland-Vancouver. I have been
involved with non-profits for most of my career so I founded a company several
years ago to provide accounting and management services for small non-profits.
By the time I was 18 I had been as far north as
Seattle, as far east as Boise and as far south as San Francisco. It makes
sense that travel has become an important part of my life. I have
chartered sailboats in Greece (twice), Caribbean (twice), Fiji, Tonga and
Sydney Harbour (AU). I have skied in all western states of the US
including Alaska, plus Canada, Italy, France, Switzerland and New Zealand
(twice). I met Linda in 1998 at a ski race and we married in 2003.
Linda and I have enjoyed several honeymoons to Switzerland, Italy, Cambodia and
We sold our house last October with the intent of
moving to San Diego. Then we realized how much we like water that comes from rain.
So, instead we moved in with my son and his wife in Ridgefield, WA (10 miles
north of Vancouver). We decided to buy 5 acres here with a view of 3 mountains.
We start construction on our new home soon and Trevor is our general
contractor. We own a casita in Baja so if we need to escape to sunshine we can.
We love the rural Ridgefield area and have become involved in community
organizations and events. We are close to our 2 grandchildren, Alyssa (20) and
Cameron (18). My next project – my own private vineyard.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at the reunion in
Not a day goes by that I don’t feel incredibly grateful to be living, loving, laughing and hopefully learning something new.
My high school boyfriend, who drove from Franklin to Cleveland one period a
day, turned out to be my wonderful husband of these 47 years. Thanks, Mr.
Frangipani, for teaching Advanced Spanish. Who would have known then that we
would parent two amazing girls who would, in turn, give us the gift of six
adorable grandchildren.
Thank you, Miss Wollett, for instilling a love of Russian. One night, during
the time I was an exchange teacher to Ukraine, I was riding in the only vehicle
that had available petrol-- the ambulance. I was mentally rehearsing the
speech I would deliver to the City Council, in Russian!
My love of writing, encouraged by both Miss Brooks and Mrs. Roberts, later
extended to songwriting, a major love of mine. As for the singing part, thank
you Mr. Johnson. You were a terrific role model for the many years that I
taught vocal music in schools. Music still continues to play a huge role in my
With a passion to see the world, I have had more adventures than I could ever
have imagined. Perhaps a highlight was the challenge of how to get out of
Egypt during a revolution. Inhabiting the Cairo Airport with 5,000 others
wasn’t part of the original plan! Today we divide time between our home
in California, our casa on the Sea of Cortez, in Baja, and whatever new
adventures come our way. Next up? We like the sound of Cuba.
“What you are to be you are now becoming.” I looked at those words every day of
high school and am happy to say that I am still becoming…after these many
Jerry Hildenbrand
After CHS, I earned a BSEE Degree in Electrical Engineering (power & control) from OSU, and 2 varsity letters on the crew team.

After 5+ years with Westinghouse, I accepted a position with
the consulting firm of CH2M Hill in Corvallis, OR. We bought an acreage adjacent to McDonald
State Forest north of Corvallis, had a home built, and had 2 sons. Prior to my December, 2010, retirement after
36+ years, I was licensed to practice electrical engineering in 7 states and
the territory of Guam.

After CHS, I earned a BSEE Degree in Electrical Engineering (power & control) from OSU, and 2 varsity letters on the crew team.
After OSU, I accepted a job with the Westinghouse Electric
Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. Prior to
leaving for Pittsburgh, I become engaged to Nancy Meisner, who I have known all
of my life (parents were life-long friends before they were all married), dated
occasionally during high school, and dated steadily after OSU. We married in 1970, and initially lived in
Muncie, IN, where I was a high voltage bushing design engineer with
Westinghouse. While at Westinghouse, 3
patents were filed in my name, I earned a MSEE Degree in Electrical Engineering
from Purdue University, and our daughter was born.

We still live in the house we had built, have 7
grandchildren ranging in age from 16 years to 6 months, and are fortunate our
children live relatively close; Salem, Albany, & Newport.
Hobbies include gardening, a small orchard, a
bee hive, model railroading (am a member of a local railroad club, a national
railroad organization, and 5 railroad historical societies), boating, fishing,
and traveling.